We had 31 people pass out of 33 for the Introductory course and 15 out of 21 for the Certified exam.
Congratulations to all!
See the Gallery here.
Introductory Passes
- Alan Bolt
- Aleksandar Jeremic
- Aleksander MacLeod
- Anthony Iannelli
- Anthony Gardik
- Blanche Geoffroy
- Bruno Silva
- Caille Poole
- Chad Hamilton
- Clotilde Candusso
- Gregory Pennaneach
- Hamish Mountain
- Henry Quinn
- Hiroki Fujimitsu
- Houston Barakat
- Jack Baron
- Leonardo Lupattelli
- Miroslava Mrazikova
- Misa Ohshige
- Myron Kloppers
- Nabin Pun
- Naor Noah Rozenfeld
- Nick Jee
- Pier Filippo Ranieri
- Priscilla Gainey
- Richard Buck
- Sangyeop Lee
- Sayaka Bilcich
- Sunghye Lee
- Tao Jiang
- Xiaoyu Liu
Certified Passes
- Ben Fergus
- Carlin Jackson
- Lovin (Shihao) Wang
- Aleksandar Jeremic
- Blanche Geoffroy
- Caille Poole
- Chad Hamilton
- Clotilde Candusso
- Henry Quinn
- Leonardo Lupattelli
- Miroslava Mrazikova
- Naor Noah Rozenfeld
- Priscilla Gainey
- Richard Buck
- Sangyeop Lee