We had 22 people pass out of 25 for the Introductory course and 11 out of 22 for the Certified exam.
Congratulations to all!
See the Gallery here.
Introductory Passes
- Abhiraj Ayare
- Alessandro Nelli
- Anthony Bakty
- Anthony Plowman
- Aynsley Ring
- Ethan Han
- Florian Ferroni
- Gemma Halpin
- Huen Brennan
- Jan-Broder Timm
- Jean-Luc Prasopa-Plaizier
- Lexie Bucholtz
- Michael-Angelo Skyllas
- Michele De Martino
- Pauline Perotto
- Sara Paganelli
- Sophie Gitterle
- Teng-Yi Huang
- Tom Robert Riedl
- Xiangyu Jie
- Yuanjun Ji
- Zhitian Wang
Certified Passes
- Abhiraj Ayare
- Anthony Plowman
- Ethan Han
- Lexie Bucholtz
- Michele De Martino
- Sara Paganelli
- Sophie Gitterle
- Tom Robert Riedl
- Catherine Matsushima
- Claudio Solimeo
- Dominique Archambault