We had 23 people pass out of 26 for the Introductory course and 8 out of 18 for the Certified exam.
Congratulations to all!
See the Gallery here.
Introductory Passes
- Christian Prack
- Cristian Barreto Chávez
- Matthias Weinlich
- Aku Reunanen
- Georg Braeker
- Andrea Gualdoni
- Alessandro Catani
- Gerhard Knobl
- Peter Lunter
- Konstantinos Katridis
- Teodoro Iennaco
- Piotr Łukasz Adamczyk
- Ondřej Netík
- Udi Alpert
- Kristian Kielmayer
- Bono van Veelen
- Nicolas Dilger
- Shilun Zhang
- Johann Ernst Eder
- Lara Moro
- Ricardo Assunção
- István Dabronyi
- Vasil Dyrchankou
Certified Passes
- Cristian Barreto Chávez
- Andrea Gualdoni
- Alessandro Catani
- Gerhard Knobl
- Ondřej Netík
- Kristian Kielmayer
- Johann Ernst Eder
- Vasil Dyrchankou